Mogo Park
Experiential park Kfar Sava
Mogobe Oshira
Mogo Park, is a mall-based entertainment complex where children can play while their parents shop. The park is built around the Mogobe multiplayer online game, in which children create virtual worlds by building houses, accumulating and spending coins, and going on adventures.
MogoPark is an interactive playground, of 10,000 sqft, that uses advanced interactive technologies while combining the virtual world with the physical world allowing players to participate in different games and challenges. Players can earn points that can be converted to digital coins that can then be used in the online game after they leave the park.
Breeze Creative has developed Near Field Communication (NFC) based technology that enables visiting children and teens to operate the approximately 20 interactive games that the complex provides. Players wear an RFID wristband that not only launches the games, but also allows them to collect game points, photographs and videos.
Link to an article in RFID journal